baa baa black sheep



I really enjoyed your comments from yesterday--they made me laugh, and gosh, people are silly. Right? I would never see someone in a line at a grocery store and say, "Wow, you have really crooked posture!" or "Your hair is so THIN!" Commentary, on all levels, should be nonexistent. Unless someone is complimenting your purse or your socks, of course.

Today is Wednesday, I'm now having my real period (yes, I know I need to go to the doctor, yes, I am looking into it, you guys), I crawled into bed at eight o'clock last night and only got up to help take out the dogs, today my mom gets her test results, and I have to leave for work early now because I am dropping off Monk at the vet's office because he needs a bath. And I am not going to wrestle all of Monk into our tiny, ridiculous tub, and risk Hair Clog Emergency 2008.

When I call, if I say, "Hi, this is Kara so-and-so, I need to make an appointment for such and such" they won't know who I am. But, when I call and say, "Hi, it's Monk and Cab's mom, Monk needs a bath," they know who I am immediately.

I love our vet's office.

Here goes Wednesday,
black sheeped


Blogger Jess said...

I love your vet's office too. Also, our hormones are totally in sync from across the internet. How cool is that?

9:15 AM, January 16, 2008  
Blogger artemisia said...

I'll be thinking of your mom and your family today, K.

That vet sounds AWESOME. I am currently (perpetually?) looking for a new vet. Buster is acting funny again..

I'll give you a call tonight. For whatever reason I can't decide if I should take the train or drive to Omaha. In three days. Help!

12:33 PM, January 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to have 2 week periods too just after I stopped birth control pills. I was told it was a lack of estrogen in my system. It self-corrected, so I think unless your anemic or it's been going on for more than 6 months, the advice might be just to 'wait it out.'

2:41 PM, January 16, 2008  
Blogger Beth said...

When I call the vet and start out with my name, they interrupt and say, "What's the cat's name?" I find that very funny.

Will be thinking about your Mom's test results. Break the rules and post again to let us know.

Planned Parenthood does OB-GYN stuff on a sliding payment scale and can refer you to a good doc. Ahem. (I'm so glad your readers scare you, but in a good way).

5:20 AM, January 17, 2008  

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