baa baa black sheep



Lately all I want to do is take photos and be next to my husband.

On this blog, all I want to do is post photos and talk about feeling sad.

Neither of those things is very interesting, I understand. You don't need to hear about the creepy things, like how I feel sometimes that my skin will crawl right off if I don't crawl right off and sob for a while. You don't need to hear about the silly things, like when I put on an Iron and Wine disc in the car today, and the line "God give us love in the time that we have" nearly made me lose it.

I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow. THANK GOODNESS.

So. Enough of that.

The other option is sharing some photos.

We went to see my family, and then drove back here and had a very nice happy mashed potato filled holiday. We also took some cookies to each of our elderly lady neighbors, and it took two hours to drop off three plates because they all made us come inside and visit. It was a good day.

I didn't want it to end.

This morning I got up and went back to work, and it was Difficult. But things at work are busy, so it was not Unacceptable.

Now you're caught up.

Christmas Eve at our house:

We left at 4:45 a.m. Christmas Eve to make sure we got back to town in time to get our dogs out of dog jail. They were so exhausted, they did not even care when we put ugly boot socks on them:

Hey, look, it's my husband:

To confuse the timeline, these are from our drive Friday afternoon. My boss made me leave at noon, because of patchy icy fog. We dropped south on weird roads, trying to avoid the fog. We mostly avoided it.

We went through some towns we'd never seen before.

Here is some fog, which was not as thick as some other fog we drove through:


Again, with some geese:

Here is a library.

Okay, these are from Sunday. My family had our Christmas on Sunday. We went to church.

This is my sister, proving that weirdness does not, at all, under any circumstances, run in our family.

My parents' pond:

Merry Christmas, say the glass of sherry and the fancy new jacket:

Church window:

Here is the first photo ever taken of my first niece or nephew. He/she is due in May, and he/she will reveal his/her gender tomorrow at an ultrasound. I felt him/her kick, and I hope it is not because he/she already hates that we plan on giving books for every birthday and graduation.

Here is a hat at church:

This is my really handsome husband. I don't know why this photo turned out this way, but I love it.

This is the moon, as seen from my parents' field.

This is me, telling my sister to take a photo of me in the swingy jacket, saying, "HEY DO I LOOK MOD? DO I LOOK MOD? TAKE A PHOTO OF ME THAT LOOKS MOD."

I didn't look mod, at all.

That's all for now. This weekend we have J's family Christmas thing, which we will leave for after I get off work on Saturday afternoon, because it is my Saturday. Work is busy, I feel crazy, the pets are gassy.

I like the moon, do you?

black sheeped


Blogger Beth said...

Well, the dogs look perfectly content with their doggie booties. I'm sorry, you didn't look MOD at all. But you looked really happy. The moon over your parents' pond and the geese were my favorites.

Let's hope the doctor's visit and the second half of Christmas are as much fun as sherry, doggie booties, and a swinging mod jacket.

6:23 AM, December 27, 2007  
Blogger Swistle said...

Oh! A niece or nephew! Oh how exciting!

That first picture, of the pretty glowing tree, is what feels so happy before Christmas, and also what feels so icky and sad after Christmas.

7:02 AM, December 27, 2007  
Blogger heather said...

I'm glad you have a husband that you can and want to lean on when you're feeling sad. It makes it easier. A little bit.
I for one, don't mind hearing you talk about feeling sad. It makes me sad that you're sad, but really, it helps to know we're all real and so many of us have been there at some point in our lives. I hope you know that. I know it doesn't make it feel any better, but know that all the same.

And keep taking photos! Love 'em!!

7:44 AM, December 27, 2007  
Blogger Fine For Now said...

Love the pictures, and I also hope you don't stop talking about being sad. How you describe it and pin-point every feeling and emotion is beautiful.

7:58 AM, December 27, 2007  
Blogger Jess said...

I love the coat, love love love it. And the moon is pretty nice too. And I am interested when you post pictures and when you talk about being sad. And I hope the doctor is able to help.

8:06 AM, December 27, 2007  
Blogger Penny said...

I think that there are never very many, if any, blogs that want to openly discuss a personal depression for more than one or two days at a time. And I think this disappointing, because the rest of us who are depressed or have been depressed sometimes like to know that we're not the only ones sobbing day after day.

But, having looked at a previous blog of mine that did nothing but rain, rain, rain sadness, I do understand the desire not to get sucked into that vortex.

Hope you feel better soon. Christmas looked lovely.

1:55 PM, December 27, 2007  
Blogger email said...

What great pictures! But I keep going back to THE HAT. Yes, I believe it requires all caps, as it is the Christmas hat to end all Christmas hats. I can't believe none of the other commentors even MENTIONED it. But I, I am not afraid to mention it. Because, well damn, just look at it. THAT is some hat. Please tell us about the person who would wear such a hat. Because she must have an interesting story.

2:07 PM, December 28, 2007  

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